Diet during different stages of Life

Healthy dietary practices begin early in life. Recent evidences indicate that under nutrition in utero may set the pace for diet related chronic diseases in later life. Breastfeeding promotes healthy growth and improves cognitive development, and may have longer-term health benefits, like reducing the risk of becoming overweight or obese and developing NCDs later in life.
Since a healthy diet consists of different kinds of foods, the emphasis has been shifted from nutrient orientation to the food based approach. Foods can be categorized according to the function as- 
  • Energy rich foods (Carbohydrates and fats)-whole grain cereals, millets, vegetable oils, ghee, nuts and oilseeds and sugars.
  • Body building foods (Proteins)- Pulses, nuts and oilseeds, milk and milk products, meat, fish, poultry.
  • Protective foods (Vitamins and minerals) - Green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, fruits, eggs, milk and milk products and flesh foods.

Ghee Health Benefits...!!

Favorite of most Indian households, ghee is indeed a super food. Apart from being widely used in Indian cooking, it has also been used as a remedy for cough and cold. Sadly, due to the misconceptions that surround the use of ghee, it is often underutilized. While some are worried that it may make them put on weight, others feel that it is bad for their heart. Little do they know that these misconceptions are not true, and ghee actually has limitless health benefits.

Let us read on to know more about the benefits that ghee has to offer:

How soft drinks are danger to your health ?

When you have soft drinks or sodas, the pancreas quickly start to make insulin because of excessive sugar. Insulin is a hormone the body uses to move sugar from food items or drink into the circulation system, where cells are then ready to use that sugar for energy purposes. Within 15 minutes, glucose levels increase and the liver reacts to the insulin by transforming sugar into fat for capacity. 

Does Cotton Buds are harmful to you?

Cotton swabs or cotton buds, are commonly used in our daily lifestyle. Many people use it for various purposes, such as make-up, bacterial culture, and most commonly for extracting wax and debris from the ear. Even though they are sometimes handy in our busy schedule, they usually cause much more harm than benefits.

How to control your blood sugar Levels ???

Diabetes is very restrictive - living with the disease however does not imply that you stop enjoying. By bringing about certain changes in your lifestyle, you can still live your life to the fullest. For better management of your disease, these are some of the changes that you can make to improve your blood sugar levels and keep your condition under control.

Refer below Blood sugar levels to know your diabetes status :

Vegetables or fruits which are good for you ?

It is common knowledge that fruits as well as vegetables provide you with a natural combination of large number of nutrients, which help in the overall nourishment of your body. However, there are differences that are quite noticeable. 

Both the categories can be further divided into subcategories: