Cancer – Facts, Types, Symptoms & Signs – You Must Know

Cancer facts :

  1. Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells anywhere in a body.
  2. There are over 200 types of cancer.
  3. Anything that may cause a normal body cell to develop abnormally potentially can cause cancer; general categories of cancer-related or causative agents are as follows: chemical or toxic compound exposures, ionizing radiation, some pathogens, and human genetics.
  4. Cancer symptoms and signs depend on the specific type and grade of cancer; although general signs and symptoms are not very specific the following can be found in patients with different cancers: fatigue, weight loss, pain, skin changes, change in bowel or bladder function, unusual bleeding, persistent cough or voice change, fever, lumps, or tissue masses.
  5. Although there are many tests to screen and presumptively diagnose cancer, the definite diagnosis is made by examination of a biopsy sample of suspected cancer tissue.
  6. Cancer staging is often determined by biopsy results and helps determine the cancer type and the extent of cancer spread; staging also helps caregivers determine treatment protocols. In general, in most staging methods, the higher the number assigned (usually between 0 to 4), the more aggressive the cancer type or more widespread is the cancer in the body. Staging methods differ from cancer to cancer and need to be individually discussed with your health care provider.
  7. Treatment protocols vary according to the type and stage of the cancer. Most treatment protocols are designed to fit the individual patient’s disease. However, most treatments include at least one of the following and may include all: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
  8. There are many listed home remedies and alternative treatments for cancers but patients are strongly recommended to discuss these before use with their cancer doctors.
  9. The prognosis of cancer can range from excellent to poor. The prognosis depends on the cancer type and its staging with those cancers known to be aggressive and those staged with higher numbers (3 to 4) often have a prognosis that ranges more toward poor.
The following table (National Cancer Institute 2016) gives the estimated numbers of new cases and deaths for each common cancer type:
Cancer TypeEstimated New CasesEstimated Deaths
Breast (Female — Male)246,660 — 2,60040,450 — 440
Colon and Rectal (Combined)134,49049,190
Kidney (Renal Cell and Renal Pelvis) Cancer62,70014,240
Leukemia (All Types)60,14024,400
Lung (Including Bronchus)224,390158,080
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma72,58020,150

What are cancer symptoms and signs?

  • Indigestion (usually chronic) or difficulty swallowing
  • Obvious change in the size, color, shape, or thickness of a wart or mole
  • Nagging cough or hoarseness
Other signs or symptoms may also alert you or your doctor to the possibility of your having some form of cancer. These include the following:
  • Unexplained loss of weight or loss of appetite
  • A new type of pain in the bones or other parts of the body that may be steadily worsening, or come and go, but is unlike previous pains one has had before
  • Persistent fatigue, nausea, or vomiting
  • Unexplained low-grade fevers with may be either persistent or come and go
  • Recurring infections which will not clear with usual treatment

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